Persons with albinism have a hereditary condition which is identified by a lack melanin. Melanin is the pigment that normally gives color to the skin, hair and eyes. Melanin also acts as a natural sunscreen. Therefore, persons with albinism are susceptible to skin cancers. It is important to provide them with
- Sunscreen creams
- Eyeglasses or sun glasses
- Protective clothing such as sun hats
in order to reduce the risk of skin cancers, especially in areas where weather conditions are very harsh.
Persons with albinism look outstandingly different. Due to the stigma, discrimination and risk of violence against them, puts them in need of special security and recognition as an endangered and vulnerable group. The project aims in the long run at providing protection as well as a safe haven in case of threats or fears of attack.

People with albinism often have trouble with their eyesight. They may wear glasses or contact lenses to help correct problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism. Others might need eye surgery. Just as there are different degrees of albinism there are also different levels of eye problems for a person who has the condition.
Albinism does not make a person completely blind. Although some people with albinism are “legally blind,” that doesn’t mean they have lost their vision completely. They can still read and study — they just may need larger print or magnifiers to help them.
People with albinism can be very sensitive to light because the iris doesn’t have enough color to shield the retina properly. Wearing sunglasses or tinted contact lenses can help make them more comfortable out in the sun.
Skin Precautions
Besides giving skin, eyes, and hair their color, melanin helps protect our skin from the sun. It does this by causing skin to tan instead of burn — which is why people with darker skin (more melanin) are less likely to burn than people with lighter skin. Therefore, people with albinism can sunburn very easily.
People with light skin are also particularly at risk for skin cancer. So, it’s important for people with albinism to use a sunscreen with a high SPF factor at all times and to wear clothing that offers protection from the sun, such as hats, dark-colored clothing, or long pants and long-sleeved shirts.

Finding confidence and identity
People with albinism are just like anyone else, with the same lifespan and ability to reach their goals. Because the social scene can be more about fitting in than standing out, people with albinism may face bullying or prejudice. Voicing any frustration or sadness to a family member or friend who understands can help. Also talking to a counselor or therapist to get ideas on coping with the challenges that come up during the teen years. We have created such a platform for them.
Sustainability Projects
It is important to have projects that can boost their confidence and be recognized and accepted in the community. It is our objective that we host events that can help instill confidence and identity.
On the other hand, we have listed income generating projects that can help them have a bright and sustainable future e.g. Digital skills development programs, Sewing, Hand crafting, Indoor mushroom farming, jam and peanut butter making etc.